Emergency Care Enrolment Form

Yuma, and Welcome to Woden Valley Early Learning Centre!

Before your child starts, there are some things you can do to help ensure your child enjoys a smooth transition.

Please complete all relevant sections of your child’s enrolment form and submit it to the centre before they start. This is a regulatory requirement, and it will help educators understand your child's needs.

Child's Details

Child's Routine

Parent 1 / Guardian Details

Parent 2 / Guardian Details

Emergency Care Agreement

Emergency Contacts Other Than Parents / Guardian

To protect your child’s safety, only the people authorised on your child’s enrollment form can collect your child from their early learning centre. When someone other than aparent is coming to collect your child, we must be notified beforehand, and the person will need to produce photoidentification.

All Centre visitors must follow Woden Valley ELC Visitors to the service policy and Code of Conduct for Families.

Medical Information

Dietary Requirements

Your child’s health is important to us, soour meals are nutritious and culturally balanced. If your child has a special dietary need or allergy we will attempt to accommodate their needs, or we may request you to provide alternatives.

A daily menu is displayed on the kitchen door and near the entry, as well as available on our website. The menu changes accordingly to the season and operates on a four - weekly rotation.

Court Orders / Care Arrangements

Authorizations and Permissions

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